Homeowner policies will differ on where you live, the valuables in the home and which coverages you choose. A comprehensive plan will cover you financially if you have a loss due to fire, theft or other events, in addition to the event if someone is injured on your property.
- Property Coverage – to pay for repairs to your home, garage or other buildings that are damaged.
- Personal Property – if you have a loss of valuables in your home like jewelry, electronics or guns due to theft or damage.
- Liability – this will cover if there is a claim when someone is injured or their property is damaged.
- Medical Expenses – this would be medical coverage for someone that is injured, other than a resident, on your property.
- Living Expenses – if you have a complete loss, you may need extra temporary housing or food when you’re forced from your home.
There may also be other coverages that you many want to consider in addition to your basic homeowners policy. These may include personal umbrella, automobile, flood, earthquake or jewelry insurance.